
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of M.Pharm. [First Semester], of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 03-02-2025 to 07-02-2025.
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. [Odd Semester], of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 23-01-2025 to 29-01-2025.
Commencement of B.Pharm. 6thSemester (Third Year) & 8thSemester (Fourth Year) classes of academic session 2024-25 from Monday, 27 January, 2025.
Commencement of B.Pharm. First Year classes of academic session 2024-25 from Monday, 27 January, 2025.
Commencement of D.Pharm. First Year classes of academic session 2024-25 from Monday, 20 January, 2025.
Schedule for the First Sessional Examination of M.Pharm. [First Semester], of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 15-01-2025 to 20-01-2025.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Examination (Viva-voce) for B.Pharm. IVth Year, VII Semester of academic session 2024-2025 has been schedulded on 02-01-2025.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Examination(COP) for B.Pharm. IIIrd Year, VI Semester of academic session 2024-2025 has been schedulded on 02-01-2025.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Examination(Regular) for B.Pharm. IVth Year, VII Semester of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 30-12-2024 to 31-12-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Examination(Regular/COP) for B.Pharm. IIIrd Year, V Semester of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 30-12-2024 to 02-01-2025.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Examination(COP) for B.Pharm. IIIrd Year, VI Semester of academic session 2024-2025 shall commence from 30-12-2024 to 31-12-2024.
Schedule for the Improvement Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. IVth Sem. and VIth Sem. [Even Semester 2024-2025] shall commence from 26-12-2024 to 27-12-2024.
Schedule for the Third Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. Vth Sem. and VIIth Sem. [Odd Semester 2024-2025] shall commence from 23-12-2024 to 26-12-2024.
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. Vth Sem. and VIIth Sem. [Odd Semester 2024-2025] shall commence from 16-12-2024 to 20-12-2024.
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry) IIIrd Sem. [Odd Semester 2024-2025] has been schedulded on 20-12-2024.
Schedule for the First Sessional Examination of D.Pharm. 2nd Year (academic session 2024-2025) shall commence from 16-12-2024 to 24-12-2024.
Revised schedule for the First Sessional Examination of M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry) IIIrd Semester [Odd Semester 2024-2025] has been schedulded on 24-10-2024.
Revised schedule for the First Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. III Sem, V Sem, VII Sem [Odd Semester 2024-2025] shall commence from 21-10-2024 to 23-10-2024.
Revised, Commencement of M.Pharm. First Year classes of academic session 2024-25.
Revised, Commencement of B.Pharm. IInd, III rd and IVth Years classes for academic session 2024-2025 from Thursday, 12th September, 2024.
Revised, It is hereby informed to D.Pharm. 2nd Year students of academic session 2024-2025 that their regular classes shall commence from Thursday, 12th September, 2024.
Revised schedule for the External Practical examination of D.Pharm. 1st Year of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 23-07-2024 to 26-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the External Practical examination of D.Pharm. 2nd Year of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 23-07-2024 to 26-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the External Practical examination of D.Pharm. Final Year:Re Admitted Students of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 23-07-2024 to 26-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the End Semester Practical examination of B.Pharm. 2nd Year, III Semester(COP) of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 20-07-2024 to 22-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the End Semester Practical examination of B.Pharm. 2nd Year(IV Semester) Regular & COP of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 19-07-2024 to 22-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the End Semester Practical examination of B.Pharm. 1st Year(II Semester) Regular & COP of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 19-07-2024 to 22-07-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical examination of M.Pharm. 1st Year(II Semester) academic session 2023-2024 has been schedulded on 19-07-2024.
Revised schedule for the End Semester Practical examination of B.Pharm. 1st Year,I Semester (COP) academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 19-07-2024 to 20-07-2024.
Schedule for the improvement sessional examination of B.Pharm. 1st & 3rd Sem. of academic session 2023-2024 shall commence from 15-07-2024 to 16-07-2024.
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. II & IV Semesters and M.Pharm. II Semester students of Academic Session 2023-24 shall commence from 03-07-2024 to 09-07-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam. (COP) for B.Pharm. IV Year (VII Semester), 2023-2024, shall commence from 04-06-2024 to 05-06-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam (COP) for B.Pharm. III Year (V Semester), 2023-2024, shall commence from 03-06-2024 to 06-06-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam of B.Pharm. IV Year (VIII Semester), 2023-2024, has been schedulded on 03-06-2024.
Revised schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam. (Reg & COP) of B.Pharm. IIIrd Year (VI Semester), 2023-2024, shall commence from 03-06-2024 to 06-06-2024.
Schedule for the Improvement Sessional Examination Schedule of B.Pharm. 5th ad 7th semester, 2023-2024, shall commence from 27-05-2024 to 28-05-2024.
Schedule for the Second Sessional Examination of B.Pharm. VI & VIII semesters of Academic Session 2023-24, shall commence from 21-05-2024 to 24-05-2024.
Schedule for the Third Sessional Examination of D.Phar. Ist and IInd Year of Reg. & Re-Admitted Students of Academic Session 2023-2024, shall commence from 14-05-2024 to 23-05-2024.
Schedule for the First Sessional Examination of B.Phar. IInd & IV Semester and M.Pharm. II Semester students of Academic Session 2023-2024, shall commence from 15-05-2024 to 23-05-2024.
Schedule for the First Sessional Examamination of B.Pharm VI & VIII Semesters, 2023-24 shall commence from 23-04-2024 to 30-04-2024.
All the students of B.Pharm. 1st Year-II semester, 2nd year-IV Semester (session 2023-24) are hereby informed that their regular classes shall commence from Wednesday,27th March, 2024 and for M.Pharm 1st Year-II Semester (session 2023-24), regular classes shall commence from Monday, 01st April,2024.
Exam Schedule of Improvement Sessional Examination of B.Pharm IInd Semester, academic Session 2023-2024 shall commence from 04-03-2024 to 05-03-2024.
Revised End Semester Practical Exams (COP) for B.Pharm. First Year(II Semester), 2023-24 shall commence from 28-02-2024 to 01-03-2024.
Schedule for End Semester Practical Exams for B.Pharm. First Year (I Semester),2023-24 shall commence from 27-02-2024 to 01-03-2024.
Revised End Semester Practical Exams (COP) for B.Pharm. Second Year (IV Semester),2023-24 shall commence from 27-02-2024 to 29-02-2024.
Schedule for End Semester Practical Exams for B.Pharm. Second Year (III Semester),2023-24 shall commence from 27-02-2024 to 01-03-2024.
The End Semester Practical Exam for M.Pharm. First Year (I Semester), 2023-24 (Pharmaceutics) has been scheduled on 27-02-2024.
The End Semester Practical Exam for M.Pharm. First Year (I Semester), 2023-24 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) has been scheduled on 28-02-2024.
List of Students Selected - Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Campus interview: Aareen Heal Thcare pvt. ltd. has been scheduled on date 16-2-2024.
All the students of B.Pharm. VIth and VIIIth Semester (session 2023 - 24) are hereby informed that their regular classes shall commence from Monday, 26th February, 2024.
The End Semester Practical Exam. (COP) for B.Pharm.III Year(VI Semester),2023-24 shall commence from 10-02-2024 to 15-02-2024.
The End Semester Practical Exam. COP(NPTY only) for B.Pharm.I Year(II Semester),2023-24 will be held on 07-02-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam. (regular/COP) for B.Pharm III Year in (V Semester), 2023-24 shall commence from 08-02-2024 to 12-02-2024.
Schedule for the End Semester Practical Exam. (Regular) for B.Pharm IV Year in (VII Semester), 2023-24 shall commence from 12-02-2024 to 15-02-2024.
Campus Interview Alembic (Scheduled on Feb 13, 2024).